
New Face of Covergirl (or boy?) With the never ending chatters on gender equality, rights, identity, and all sorts of social issues throughout the internet, Covergirl has stole one of the first spots in engaging a male model to represent the new Covergirl look. Sexual appeal is not uncommon in the field of beauty, consumer goods. Largely driven by the nature of […]

Evian– Live Young (Now?)

While Evian’s drink are almost tasteless, it’s brand personality portrayed have proved itself to be a brand which does not tolerate tasteless content.  If I were to put three adjectives to pinpoint Evian’s brand elements, it would be youthful, lively and active. A few years ago, the Evian’s marketing activation “Baby & Me” was launched, […]

The Kardashians Brand From Kardashian beauty to the latest Kylie Jenner lip kits that drove all girls crazy. But what are the Kardashians famous for, again? The article posted here is dated half a year ago, but I chanced upon a Snapchat feed which brought me thinking about the Kardashians. As the feed article mentioned, the Kardashians had […]

Data Analytics Usage for F&B Players “In the offline world, there is no way of knowing the profile of shoppers that’s looking at my supermarket aisle right now but in the online world, we have that.”  – Mr Ganesh Kashyap, director of e-commerce for Asia-Pacific, Mondelez We have entered a new age where almost everything goes live through the internet. With […]

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